In this game, you play as a role of a stain and your aim is to try to occupy more space in the washing machine and heavily penetrate into the clothes. Besides competing with each other, each player should resist the washing machine and its tendency to clean the clothes. At the end of the game, each player who has more effect on the game board and clothes will win the game.
Have you ever asked yourself why the washed clothes in the washing machine still have stains? Maybe the detergent is not good enough, or the wash ing machine doesn't work perfectly. However, in this game, you would face a completely different story! You would encounter the stains which are alive and try to live. The stains that are trying to increase by moving from one cloth to another. They have to com pete with each other while trying to fight the washing machine and its washing order. In this story, each time the washing machine starts to rotate, the stains also create a competition to make a higher impact on the clothes.
However, sometimes the washing machine and its detergent succeed and can stop the stains.